Friday, April 1, 2011

Writing Framework: Secret to Write a Blog Post in just 25 Minutes

Creating Content is very time consuming. And many leave it half away..

The day i remember when content creation for me was the most difficult job. Oh! i used to sit in front of my computer and after typing few lines, i felt like the complete post is looking confusing or out of the way because i used to mix up every thing...

Mixing up of ideas in a post happens due to the lack of proper planning while creating the content.

Gradually with time, i developed a framework of writing quality content very quickly. This Writing Framework really helped me to overcome the problem of explaining topics clearly...

I kept that secret recipe in my folder for months but now released it in this post.

Secret of Writing a Blog Post in less than 25 minutes.
1. Temporary Headline
2. Sub-headlines / Points
3. Summary of the Post
4. Description of the Sub-Headlines.
5. Conclusion
6. Permanent Headline

Let me explain the steps briefly..

1. Temporary Headline
Firstly, create a temporary headline which holds the idea of the post to keep yourself attach with the related information & prevent you to go away out of the topic.

2. Sub-headlines
Jot down the important points and develop a sketch of the information... These points are the subheadlines of the post. Later you can expand those points.

3. Summary of the Post
Create an eye catchy bio about the post (4-5 lines) and place it after the headline .i.e. all above the post. Post bio helps the readers to know about the content they are going to read or you can say the summary of the post.

4. Description of the Sub-Headlines.
Now pick up the jotted points & make an expanded description of it. Try to keep those 3-4 lines. Try to put more information in less lines.

5. Conclusion
Make a Conclusion of the post... In the conclusion part, you can give your personal opinion related to the topic or you can ask your readers some questions or ask them to share their own experience about the topic in the comment section.

6. Permanent Headline
You've finished writing the post and to make it attractive, you need to create a compelling headline which will drive huge number of readers from the social networking sites to your blog. The post with good headline is very worthy!
So, you remove your temporary headline and create a permanent attractive headline for your post.

Try Out this above framework to create quick post... Not only quick post but even these type of framework can be use to create a killer content.

Do you have your own framework of writing content, then share below in the comment section... i'd love to hear your writing secret!

(image source)

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